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Mental Health Training

5 years ago · · Comments Off on Mental Health Training

Mental Health Training

We are delivering a six months course on ‘Introduction to Counselling’ as a component of Mental Health Training to the staff of the General Hospital in Badulla. The participants consists of professionals attached to the healthcare sector in Badulla district; namely, Nursing officers, Counsellors, Psychosocial workers, Occupational therapists and Community Psychiatrist nurses.

Sexual & Reproductive Health – Kilinochchi, Mullaithivu, Jaffna

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Sexual & Reproductive Health – Kilinochchi, Mullaithivu, Jaffna

Samutthana in collaboration with Medecins du Mondé commenced activities in the North for the project on Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH). The initial workshops were conducted in Kilinochchi and Mullaithivu in June 2018, to introduce the Organisations’ objectives and activities to the community leaders in both districts. The sessions were conducted by Samutthana and MdM field staff based in Kilinochchi. More awareness sessions were carried out throughout the rest of the year on various topics related to SRH in three districts – Kilinochchi, Mulaithivu and Jaffna – with the support of Provincial Directorate of Health Services and Regional Directorate of Health Services.

World Vision Partnership

6 years ago · · Comments Off on World Vision Partnership

World Vision Partnership

World Vision Partnership : Improvement of Mental Health and Reducing Economic Hardship of Vulnerable Women and Communities in Northern SL

The EU funded joint project with World Vision was implemented in 2016 and concluded in 2018, focusing on Mental Health Capacity building in the North which offered workshops to different target groups. Samutthana was privileged to work with specialized local & foreign resource people who projected great enthusiasm and support in improving skills and knowledge of the beneficiaries.

The EU project final event was conducted in May 2018 with the presence of MOMH Kilinochchi and trainees of the project. This workshop consisted of sharing our final outcomes of the project and lessons learned, and reflections from experiences of trainees in the field. Workshop guide manuals (produced in English and Tamil) were distributed to the trainees at the workshop.

The MOMH of Kilinochchi, Dr. V. Jegaruban, congratulated Samutthana for a successful completion of the project and assured support for further activities of the Organization in the Northern Province.


Addiction Clinic

6 years ago · · Comments Off on Addiction Clinic

Addiction Clinic

Lunawa Hospital off Moratuwa

  • Mainly set up to treat pharmacologically for withdrawal symptoms
  • Heroin addiction is at its highest level in this region
  • A few cannabis and alcohol addicts also come for treatment
  • The local Magistrate of this area refers many addicts to this clinic
  • Some come due to the persuasion by their families
  • Many come on their own initiative
  • Provides psychological assistance for motivation, social acceptance and financial management
  • Educates the carers (Parents, Spouses or Guardians) to deal with and facilitate the addict through difficult periods when intense pain occurs.
  • Mainly facilitated by volunteer psychologists / counsellors
  • Mr Duminda Wanigasekera of Samutthana facilitates the training of Psychological intervention through Counsellors and Carers and provides supervision for them.
  • He also trains SLV’s British Psychological graduates to gain knowledge and insight on treatment for addiction